Tuition INformation

Enroll NOW!!! and get on the road to your new career!

Driving to Success!

Global Trucking Academy offers a wide variety of tuition payment options for students.

  • The fastest way to get your start to Driving for Success is to pay for training by cash.
  • Limited Resources: Global Trucking Academy will assist you with student funding.

Global Trucking Academy is an approved training provider for:

LARehab (Louisiana Rehabilitation Services)

WIA (Workforce Investment Act) in Louisiana

MET (Motivational Education and Training, Inc.)

VA/GI Bill

Most trucking companies hiring Global Trucking Academy graduates offer tuition reimbursement as part of their benefit package and possible sign on bonuses.

To learn more about the tuition options available to you, call

Global Trucking Academy at 1-318-587-8806